Saturday April 5th, 2025 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
1390 El Camino Real
San Carlos
Paper Waste
♦ Depending on member participation, 5 to 10 letter size-banker’s boxes (10” x 12” x 16”)
♦ X-Rays must be separated from paper
♦ You must be on time for your time slot ♦ remove your empty boxes
♦ Electronics accepted: computers, laptops, cell phones, printers, fax machines, network equipment, medical equipment, phone systems, CD/DVD players, stereo equipment, UPS/rechargeable batteries, PC boards, wire/cable, small appliances including m/w ovens
♦ Monitors / televisions MUST have owner’s name & address legibly written/typed and taped to the front OR they go back home with you
X-Ray Lead Foil
You can drop off your x-ray lead foil backlog too. Charlie Carter will pick it up and cart it off to one of his patients who recycles it for various projects. Thanks, Charlie!