4/5 Shredathon

Saturday April 5th, 2025 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
1390 El Camino Real
San Carlos
Paper Waste
♦ Depending on member participation, 5 to 10 letter size-banker’s boxes (10” x 12” x 16”)
♦ X-Rays must be separated from paper
♦ You must be on time for your time slot ♦ remove your empty boxes

♦ Electronics accepted: computers, laptops, cell phones, printers, fax machines, network equipment, medical equipment, phone systems, CD/DVD players, stereo equipment, UPS/rechargeable batteries, PC boards, wire/cable, small appliances including m/w ovens
♦ Monitors / televisions MUST have owner’s name & address legibly written/typed and taped to the front OR they go back home with you

X-Ray Lead Foil
You can drop off your x-ray lead foil backlog too. Charlie Carter will pick it up and cart it off to one of his patients who recycles it for various projects. Thanks, Charlie!

Primary Registrant

Additional Information

Payment Amount: $0.00