Confused by Credit Card Processing Costs?

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Phil Nieto

President of Best Card

Confused by Credit Card Processing Costs?

Confused by Credit Card Processing Costs?

Unfortunately, credit card processing pricing can be very confusing. There are direct fees that all processors share that come from the card brands (Visa, Mastercard, etc.) and there are fees paid to the processors for their services. Many processors inflate profits by adding in hidden fees or surcharges in addition to legitimate fees and frequently raise their rates above what you signed up to pay. A great deal you signed up for even a few months ago may no longer be saving you money!

Phil Nieto, president of Best Card, suggests that you “do the math” on a recent statement. Total fees paid divided by total card sales equals your effective rate, the true cost you have to run cards. What percentage are you paying? Best Card dental practices average a 2.22% effective rate; and in the nearly one thousand cost savings analyses Best Card performed last year, their competitors’ average effective rate was 3.36%. Dental offices saved an average of $5,516 annually (27%) on their processing fees in 2022 by switching.

Endorsed by the ADA Member Advantage, Best Card receives excellent reviews for their saving sand customer service. They offer a wide variety of payment options to fit the needs of any office, from a simple standalone device to online systems offering the ability to accept payments through your website and automatically post payments directly to popular dental software. They even have invoicing options like Text-to-Pay and Link-to-Pay to enhance your team’s ability to collect out of office payments with secure payment storage in a Customer Card Vault.

Find out what Best Card might save your practice. Email a recent statement to or fax it to 866-717-7247.

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